Journey To Love, by Amanda Tero

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“Now orphaned, Marie is swept miles away from the only life she knew to be sheltered by unknown guardians. Caught in the challenges of a new life, she cannot prevent changes from happening, but she can keep the Bowles and their friends at arm’s length. Or can she?

“While things appear to transition smoothly on the outside, Marie struggles against the turmoil she faces on the inside. She sees something in the Bowles and her new friends that she had never experienced before…but should she trust what the preacher is teaching when it goes against everything she had accepted as truth? Is God really a God of love? If He is, then is Marie willing to accept it?

“Follow Marie as she begins the journey to love.

Recommended for ages 10-13, suitable for all ages.~from Goodreads

Title: Journey To Love

Author: Amanda Tero

Genre(s): Christian Historical Fiction

Romance Content: N/A

Recommended age range: 8+

My Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (five stars)

My Review:

I had read some fiction (and possibly some non-fiction) about the Orphan Trains before, but I think this may be one of my favorite books covering that subject in history.  With a clear Gospel message and an engaging storyline, this was a wonderful book!

            I enjoyed getting to know people in Cutter along with Marie, as well as learning Marie’s own backstory.  There was one family in particular that was especially kind to Marie, even when she wasn’t welcoming the attention.  This is a good side-lesson to the story!

            I enjoyed reading this clean book with a good message, and I would recommend it to ages eight and older!

4 thoughts on “Journey To Love, by Amanda Tero

  1. Lauren C says:

    I enjoyed this book too and am glad to have it as part of my collection! Thanks for sharing your review! It’s fun hearing other people’s thoughts on different books 😊

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